
Trait PCC P value
Microsporocyte 0.25 5.0⋅10-53
Pollen 0.19 5.0⋅10-30
Phloem 0.18 5.0⋅10-26
Seed 0.17 7.0⋅10-23
Cell culture 0.089 1.0⋅10-7
Anther 0.075 1.0⋅10-5
Pollen tube 0.072 2.0⋅10-5
Starch sheath 0.064 1.0⋅10-4
Developing leaf insertions 0.059 5.0⋅10-4
Rosette leaf -0.089 1.0⋅10-7
Flower -0.095 2.0⋅10-8
Seedling -0.17 7.0⋅10-24

Module Enrichments

Gene Ontology: Biological Process
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Accession Biological Process

Gene Ontology: Molecular Function
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Accession Molecular Function

Gene Ontology: Cellular Component
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Accession Cellular Component

Plant Ontology: Plant Anatomy
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Accession Plant Anatomy

Plant Ontology: Plant Structure Development Stage
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Accession Plant Structure Development Stage

Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation WikiPathways Description

Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Entry Name

Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation PathwayID Pathway Name

Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation TF Symbol TF Name TF Description

Plant Cistrome Database
Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation TF Symbol TF Name TF Description

Rank Pvalue Hits Over-representation Family Summary
1 1.0⋅10-2 3/52 (5.8%) 17.1 LRR_2 Leucine Rich Repeat
2 2.5⋅10-2 2/46 (4.3%) 12.9 FBD FBD
3 2.5⋅10-2 4/243 (1.6%) 4.9 F-box F-box domain
4 2.5⋅10-2 2/39 (5.1%) 15.2 Cu-oxidase Multicopper oxidase
5 2.5⋅10-2 2/39 (5.1%) 15.2 Cu-oxidase_2 Multicopper oxidase
6 2.5⋅10-2 2/37 (5.4%) 16 Cu-oxidase_3 Multicopper oxidase
7 3.2⋅10-2 2/61 (3.3%) 9.7 Pectinesterase Pectinesterase
8 3.2⋅10-2 2/60 (3.3%) 9.9 Metallophos Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase

orange Module: 116 genes
Probeset Symbol Name Description Average Ranking
AT5G20370_at AT5G20370 serine-rich protein-like protein 26.349077447485
AT1G53260_at AT1G53260 hypothetical protein 27.020272040565
AT3G59790_at MPK10 MAP kinase 10 MAP kinase 10 27.695279372756
AT1G32020_at AT1G32020 F-box family protein 28.48665150261
AT5G53635_at AT5G53635 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein 29.505872921731
AT2G18970_at AT2G18970 hypothetical protein 31.165024473223
AT5G28720_at AT5G28720 hypothetical protein 31.684319540125
AT2G10740_at AT2G10740 transposable_element_gene 32.744413522515
AT1G65740_at UCL1 UPWARD CURLY LEAF1 ascorbic acid mannose pathway regulator (DUF295) 33.538683334094
AT5G20560_at AT5G20560 Glycosyl hydrolase superfamily protein 34.208810360222
AT5G09360_at LAC14 laccase 14 laccase 14 34.253800681731
AT3G42540_at AT3G42540 transposable_element_gene 34.61311321554
AT1G53020_at UBC26 pseudogene of Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family protein 35.879247619482
AT4G28815_at AT4G28815 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein 36.363160467435
AT2G26940_at AT2G26940 C2H2-type zinc finger family protein 36.730708517724
AT5G41170_at AT5G41170 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR-like) superfamily protein 37.434997686287
AT3G13420_at AT3G13420 transmembrane protein 37.467634733076
AT5G27510_at AT5G27510 Protein kinase superfamily protein 37.829234910352
AT3G13140_at AT3G13140 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein 37.83365768772
AT3G18840_at AT3G18840 LOW protein: PPR containing-like protein 39.318185787933
AT3G42770_at AT3G42770 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein 40.001886165297
AT5G13620_at AT5G13620 hypothetical protein 40.12267374033
AT4G03370_at AT4G03370 Ubiquitin family protein 40.168579119225
AT5G66220_at AT5G66220 Chalcone-flavanone isomerase family protein 40.915418456264
AT1G05400_at AT1G05400 hypothetical protein 41.396738641622
AT1G41860_at AT1G41860 transposable_element_gene 42.252469807668
AT2G01240_at AT2G01240 reticulon-like protein B15 42.783660620597
AT1G03445_at BSU1 BRI1 SUPPRESSOR 1 Serine/threonine protein phosphatase family protein 43.009527285525
AT4G38590_at BGAL14 beta-galactosidase 14 beta-galactosidase 14 43.0203554646
AT2G36700_at AT2G36700 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein 43.450279926743
AT5G35760_at AT5G35760 Beta-galactosidase related protein 44.697960673388
AT1G38340_at AT1G38340 transposable_element_gene 46.199874863947
AT1G20940_at AT1G20940 F-box family protein 46.295803379977
AT5G34880_at AT5G34880 transposable_element_gene 46.634679632152
AT1G64830_at AT1G64830 Eukaryotic aspartyl protease family protein 47.565903032594
AT1G34440_at AT1G34440 transmembrane protein 48.22184666923
AT2G22710_at AT2G22710 transposable_element_gene 48.271259768107
AT5G43000_at AT5G43000 hypothetical protein 48.765238247313
AT3G47170_at AT3G47170 HXXXD-type acyl-transferase family protein 49.077882854405
AT5G18810_at SCL28 SC35-like splicing factor 28 SC35-like splicing factor 28 49.18189437735
AT1G20690_at AT1G20690 SWI-SNF-related chromatin binding protein 49.434450216055
AT2G24810_at AT2G24810 Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein 50.696009333064
AT5G27910_at NF-YC8 nuclear factor Y, subunit C8 nuclear factor Y, subunit C8 50.845011177517
AT4G30540_at AT4G30540 Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like superfamily protein 50.882376020804
AT5G63390_at AT5G63390 O-fucosyltransferase family protein 50.898847053763
AT2G11940_at AT2G11940 transposable_element_gene 50.966103771679
AT3G48830_at AT3G48830 tRNA nucleotidyltransferase/polyA polymerase family protein 51.044493687799
AT5G04400_at NAC077 NAC domain containing protein 77 NAC domain protein 51.234825624214
AT5G30470_at AT5G30470 transposable_element_gene 51.735667033819
AT2G15510_at AT2G15510 transposable_element_gene 51.819852313388
AT5G19810_at AT5G19810 Proline-rich extensin-like family protein 52.368124197532
AT4G13320_at AT4G13320 hypothetical protein 52.70364523929
AT5G56920_at AT5G56920 Cystatin/monellin superfamily protein 52.717218590525
AT5G20760_at AT5G20760 transposable_element_gene 53.088121851231
AT4G29630_at AT4G29630 Cytidine/deoxycytidylate deaminase family protein 54.024073048171
AT3G44800_at AT3G44800 Meprin and TRAF (MATH) homology domain-containing protein 55.166369685791
AT3G28680_at AT3G28680 Serine carboxypeptidase S28 family protein 55.323149518031
AT2G45840_at AT2G45840 O-glucosyltransferase rumi-like protein (DUF821) 55.552371393377
AT3G32050_at AT3G32050 hypothetical protein 56.059770714253
AT3G47100_at AT3G47100 hypothetical protein 56.150666414657
AT1G35614_at AT1G35614 hypothetical protein 56.753079194176
AT3G66656_at AGL91 AGAMOUS-like 91 AGAMOUS-like 91 57.885920238801
AT3G46240_at AT3G46240 ER protein carbohydrate-binding protein 58.04025991801
AT4G10820_at AT4G10820 F-box family protein 58.365410309386
AT3G42530_at AT3G42530 transposable_element_gene 58.48314769313
AT4G28090_at sks10 SKU5 similar 10 SKU5 similar 10 58.853593425143
AT3G24780_at AT3G24780 Uncharacterized conserved protein UCP015417, vWA 58.894465988412
AT2G16410_at AT2G16410 transposable_element_gene 59.413151017056
AT3G23740_at AT3G23740 hypothetical protein 59.578013856211
AT3G42140_at AT3G42140 zinc ion binding / nucleic acid binding protein 60.954412675239
AT1G72080_at AT1G72080 hypothetical protein 63.253036830408
AT5G17320_at HDG9 homeodomain GLABROUS 9 homeodomain GLABROUS 9 63.348812836873
AT4G22760_at AT4G22760 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein 63.62653275371
AT1G62930_at RPF3 RNA processing factor 3 Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein 64.523899030847
AT4G04650_at AT4G04650 RNA-directed DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase)-related family protein 65.570724681131
AT2G15520_at AT2G15520 transposable_element_gene 65.65353737462
AT1G41750_at AT1G41750 transposable_element_gene 65.786373205243
AT3G42420_at AT3G42420 transposable_element_gene 65.84508938755
AT2G07440_at AT2G07440 two-component responsive regulator-related / response regulator protein-like protein 65.875743810002
AT1G69320_at CLE10 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 10 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 10 66.098407774077
AT4G19000_at IWS2 Transcription elongation factor (TFIIS) family protein 66.748403537701
AT4G19620_at AT4G19620 hypothetical protein 66.945598404515
AT1G28040_at AT1G28040 RING/U-box superfamily protein 67.241771978649
AT2G18820_at AT2G18820 transposable_element_gene 69.449805452543
AT5G27940_at WPP3 WPP domain protein 3 WPP domain protein 3 70.382553948629
AT1G44980_at PME7 pectin methylesterase 7 pectin methylesterase 7 71.10468673623
AT3G50430_at AT3G50430 golgin 72.284195707573
AT1G55660_at AT1G55660 FBD, F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein 72.446923412825
AT1G47940_at AT1G47940 Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein 73.039423070656
AT5G53740_at AT5G53740 hypothetical protein 73.145417217939
AT2G25030_at AT2G25030 pseudogene of casein lytic proteinase B4 73.913150365306
AT2G21000_at AT2G21000 transposable_element_gene 74.301134697229
AT2G02498_at AT2G02498 transmembrane protein 74.861759856094
AT5G36870_at GSL09 glucan synthase-like 9 glucan synthase-like 9 75.241051142844
AT1G06310_at ACX6 acyl-CoA oxidase 6 acyl-CoA oxidase 6 76.202166417915
AT2G25040_at AT2G25040 pseudogene of casein lytic proteinase B4 77.609982207217
AT3G29800_at AT3G29800 P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein 77.684559384226
AT1G01695_at TRM33 TON1 Recruiting Motif 33 Phosphatidylinositol N-acetyglucosaminlytransferase subunit P-like protein 79.467853721168
AT5G54260_at MRE11 MEIOTIC RECOMBINATION 11 DNA repair and meiosis protein (Mre11) 79.608925068271
AT5G54220_at AT5G54220 Cysteine-rich protein 80.591849211056
AT1G20735_at AT1G20735 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein 80.734293144239
AT5G60310_at AT5G60310 Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein 81.213783214823
AT1G12630_at AT1G12630 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein 82.864546740271
AT5G32630_at AT5G32630 transposable_element_gene 83.590187247854
AT5G43480_at AT5G43480 hypothetical protein 85.874170484837
AT1G15310_at ATHSRP54A signal recognition particle 54 kDa subunit signal recognition particle 54 kDa subunit 89.047284482478
AT1G61160_at AT1G61160 retrotransposon gag 89.28291175953
AT1G20780_at SAUL1 senescence-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase 1 senescence-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase 1 91.808012617885
AT3G28020_at AT3G28020 DNA-binding protein 93.805735402423
AT1G21170_at SEC5B Exocyst complex component SEC5 94.153304699771
AT3G20900_at AT3G20900 transmembrane protein 94.528783247411
AT5G65130_at AT5G65130 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein 95.980064262577
AT5G19720_at AT5G19720 Ribosomal protein L25/Gln-tRNA synthetase, anti-codon-binding domain-containing protein 96.972138979229
AT2G10850_at AT2G10850 transposable_element_gene 98.223174936291
AT2G27280_at AT2G27280 coiled-coil protein (DUF2040) 100.27275097274
AT2G04670_at AT2G04670 transposable_element_gene 103.70680883513

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